At MacFarland, we foster a loving and inclusive learning environment where students achieve personal excellence and prepare to revolutionize society.

Every student is a part of the MacFarland family. We empower students to take ownership of their academic and personal goals by valuing diversity, striving for excellence and engaging in productive struggle. We prepare competent individuals that will invest in their local and global communities.

Let's connect!

Community Defender Program English
Community Defender Program Spanish

Upcoming Events -

January 14 @ 6:00pm
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) meeting (virtual) PTO LINK

January 16 @ 4:30-6:30pm
Community Defender Immigration Training: What You Can Do Now To Be Prepared
Tubman Elementary - Auditorium
800 Euclid Street NW

January 17 @ 8-8:45
Curbside Coffee with Principal Cooke

January 17 @ 9:00am
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) 

January 21-24
iReady & MAP Math MOY assessment/Evaluación iReady y MAP Math MOY

January 27-31
InSight ELA & MAP Growth Reading Assessments/Evaluaciones de crecimiento de lectura InSight ELA y MA

January 27 @ 1pm
Open House

February 11 & 12
ACCESS Testing

February 19 @ 5pm
Open House

April 28-May 9
CAPE Testing